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the artful dodger
5/19/2008 10:10:54 pm

Mr Angry: why do you punctuate this site with crappy adverts?

Mr Wobbly: we thought we'd make loads of money out of sad saps like you

Mr Angry: take them away! they spoil the beautiful stuff

Mr Wobbly: click on them you tight bastard, we want some dosh

5/19/2008 10:47:43 pm

this is a reply to what seems to be a cryptic attack on our use of advertising. sorry, we don't love the adverts either but we do like the idea of earning money for the old rope that is running this site. sadly so far our earnings wouldn't pay for the stamp on our tax return so we'll review the ads after a while. if no-one clicks on then and everyone thinks they're crap we may as well dump them.

art bollox
5/22/2008 07:53:58 pm

this is all bollox anyway

artful dodger
5/22/2008 08:52:45 pm

do it for the love of art you money-grabbing bastards.
ps i like that icelandic photographer.

mister bollox
5/27/2008 06:26:25 am

kurt jackson is the best thing on here

2/9/2009 06:44:27 am

get off your arses - let's have some more art then.

arty ade
5/22/2011 09:36:00 pm

found this website by accident. you're all mad. good work. keep it up.

10/12/2011 04:37:57 am

wwwwweeeeeee are not mad, ade. mr required: send me art. i'll post it. i'm right out at the moment. everyone else: you're banned.


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    This sort of page is hard for Google Adsense. What on earth do they put on here? There's no real content, no subjects, no facts. But if there was for example a little bit of wibble about eating, food, lovely recipes, dishes, local specialities, chefs, kitchens, cuisine and great big pies would all the ads be about cookery? We'll keep checking back to see the result of yet another Wobbly Wibbly experiment.